i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON May 4, 2021 4:39:59 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar


Slateport Outskirts - 32°43'59.99" N 129°51'59.99" E


    "Evenin' everyone!" Zac said, looking around the traffic island in the center of the roundabout. People craned their heads out of car windows as they made their right turns, trying to catch glimpses of the competition that was about to start.  "Lots of new faces here tonight, but nobody I don't recognize," he said with a smile.
    "Let's get started, yeah?"


with Mr. Rime and Joltik
with Pelipper and Chandelure
with Jynx and Mimikyu
with Noibat and Umbreon
with Klefki and Corviknight
with M!Meowstic and Zorua
with Electrode and Porygon
with Mightyena and Mightyena


All contestants who post an appeal will progress to round two.

Contestants will be awarded appeal points for fulfilling the contest's central objective (showing your mastery of the urban biome), as well as for appealing to the judges' personal tastes and preferences.

Points scored in round 1 will carry over to round 2, and contestants who have scored enough points by the end of round two will progress to the third and final round.


The judges table was set up at the edge of the traffic island. Cars drove past, shouting their support and confusion.   

"This time we're mixing it up and having four judges." Zac called over the beeping horns. "Last time we lost a judge halfway through but that's on me for not bringing a spare! That's an important lesson for any biome: Be prepared!"

"I want to see and hear two things with your appeal: What makes your Pokemon unique, and what makes them suited to the biome. Remember to interact with the biome itself to enhance your appeal." Zac left it at that, before turning to introduce the other three judges.

" is a man who knows the harshness of city life." Zac said, reading off his notes as he pointed to the buff blond judge. "He's a resident of Mauville who knows that the best way to showcase one's pride in their hometown is with sportsmanlike behavior. So if you're hoping to catch his eye and favor then make sure to showcase how physically capable you and your Pokemon are. Give us some of that athletic spirit!"

Next was a much smaller judge with a Skitty on his lap and the air of a supervillain. "Our next judge is the self-proclaimed Fairy Type Master, Zac's number one best friend, and also a cat connoisseur- Ji-Hoon Ki!" Zac said, indicating . "Ki will be looking for those who can use the biome in unusual ways and lots of dramatics, with bonus points for lots of pink."
    "... and helping Ki co-judge is Sprinkles the Skitty! She's a certified expert in naps, scratching the couch, and eating wet food!"

The last of the four judges had hair as white as the road markings ringing the traffic island. He looked confident, and rightfully so. "Meet the winner of the previous biome contest: ! To impress Oscar, you'll need to prove why the Pokemon you've chosen are perfect for the biome. Additionally, Oscar needs things to be action packed so he won't fall asleep. Keep the energy high and spectacle satisfying, and you'll earn his admiration."

The judges' preferences are shown in white. Including those elements in your appeal may earn you bonus appeal points.


The goal for the 1st round is to introduce both of your Pokemon. Please explain in character why your picked those Pokemon for the urban biome. Show how they are suited to life in the city, and showcase their unique skills and traits.

You can appeal in any way you want: Mime routine, spoken word poetry, looking for food in a nearby dumpster, urinating on a fire hydrant, whatever best introduces your Pokemon!
     Moves are useful in showcasing your usage of the biome, but are not mandatory for this round.
    Please take creative liberties with the surroundings!

The 1st round will end Tuesday May 11th at Midnight Tokyo Time.

Any contestants who have not posted an appeal by then will not progress. If all appeals have been made before then, the judges may post early.

You do not need to roll for this round.

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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON May 4, 2021 12:43:11 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar


The orderly rhythm of the roundabout was disrupted as a black sedan catapulted the closest Yield sign, veering into the left lane with a plume of bright pink exhaust. The sign 'BABY ON BOARD' was visible from the back window only for a moment as, far from slowing down, the car accelerated wildly towards the center of the traffic circle.


"Ha! Ha! Ha! Out of my way, motherf--"

Mimikyu lifted up its Wood Hammer and brought it down in the center of the steering wheel with a resounding BEEEEEP. It continued to beep the horn like a baby with a squeaky toy, peppering the air with obnoxious bursts of sound. 

It did the trick-- a path opened amidst swerving cars and cursing drivers, and the black sedan shot towards the judges' table.


It ramped off the embankment and soared into the air, spitting clods of earth from its improvised launchpad. Time seemed to slow as the car drifted, suspended midair with its tires still faintly rotating in place.

...But time hadn't slowed. Only the car had. Something had stalled it at the peak of its jump, creating a slow-motion effect complete with a trail of psychic pink afterimages.  At normal speed, the usual traffic of the roundabout was shakily resuming, some people stopping to gawk open-mouthed at the telekinetic phenomenon.


The window on the driver's side rolled down, and Chryssa leaned out.

"One of the benefits of psychic Pokemon is the potential to avoid traffic accidents," she said smugly, putting her elbow out the window. Mimikyu clambered up on her lap to get a better view, only its ears visible poking up from below. "Tell me, judges--did you fear for your lives? Was there a moment where you--urgh! Ouch!"

Mimikyu had just stepped on the window controls in its attempt to see out the window and Chryssa had to quickly retreat as the glass began to roll up again, cramming her head and shoulders in the frame. "Maxwell, stop it!" She disappeared back inside the cab with a muffled cry. "Take the wheel, Oona!"

The car door flew open a second later, revealing the menacing teenage physique of Chryssa Glasgow in full. She bore no trace of indignity, her expression purely triumphant. Her Jynx, who now had one streak of pink hair from killing Selena in the previous Biome Contest, could be seen behind her trying to climb over the seat to the driver's side.

Tying one corner of Mimikyu's cloth to the grab handle above the door, Chryssa took firm hold of the doll-like Pokemon and jumped from the car. Mimikyu's disguise unraveled as they tumbled down, forming a thin lifeline of yarn that bounced and twirled the pair like a descending spool of thread before they landed safely on the grass.

"Tadaa! And now Jynx is going to park my car," she said, tossing her hair. The door slammed closed, both of Oona's hands now firmly on the wheel and her bare, human-like purple feet pressed tight to the pedals. The car continued its slow-motion forward progress, soaring over the heads of the judges before landing on the far side.

It drove off, weaving erratically through traffic with its hazard lights on.

<MRRRGGHH!> Maxwell screamed, the folds of Chryssa's dress billowing as the ghost fought to hide himself from the judges' eyes. Chryssa put him in her pocket, where he flailed his Wood Hammer resentfully like a rude and malignant tumor. "Anyway, that's it. Oh--"

As if she'd just remembered something, the girl seemed to perk up. "My name's Chryssa, and I'm the last thing you'll ever see."

Her eyes were bright enough to make you wonder.

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Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break.
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Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 4, 2021 14:30:14 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
It was going to be nigh-impossible to top an act like Chryssa's, but Gavin — or, in this case, Patrick Cavalli in one of his last public appearances before the alias would be burned in Rocket's fire — would give it a good try.

With a resounding shriek that draws the attention of some still gawking out their car windows, a streak of silver fires itself like a bullet over the road. Wide wings flare at the last second to catch the wind, sunlight glancing off the feathers of a large Corviknight as its talons loop around a street lamp and lock into place.

Aboard the bird's back is Gavin, grinning.
"Why drive when you can fly?"

It hops down from its perch to let Gavin dismount; he does so, and there's a pleasant jingle as a Klefki returns to his belt from — elsewhere.

"Klefki are little shits, but you can't really fault them for it. Being a PRANKSTER's just in their nature. I think my little buddy might've swiped some of your keys, but don't worry: you'll get them back even if I don't win."

A hand rests on the silver Corviknight's flank. "In Galar, these brilliant birds are the number one form of transport for a reason. Hasn't caught on in Hoenn, quite yet, but I bet my boy here can prove the merits of his kind." He tweaks the bird's large beak, fond. "He can cover long distances without getting tired, can ROOST when he needs a burst of energy, and his DEFOG makes sure the visibility's never an issue. Best part is: no traffic, and he looks cool as hell."

The hulking bird crows as it nips gently at his shoulder.

Gavin takes a dramatic bow for 's benefit; he'd signed up because he'd heard would be judging and wanted to see his friend in action, but Clayton had been a surprise. "Patrick Cavalli, at your service."

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon klefki"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon corviknight shiny"]

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dog boy
october 24
league officer
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON May 4, 2021 17:54:48 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
kyle is high on caffeine, having finished a cup of good ol' caramel frappe earlier and with a cup of triple shot espresso at hand this time. he's ready.

he makes his entry from the outside ring of the junction, with both of his mightyena standing beside him equipped with muzzles, spike collars and dark glasses. they rest easy among the crowds before kyle releases them from their leashes as soon as the traffic lights permit them to cross over.

barking with a volume rivalling the traffic slamming their horns from 's performance started blaring. snarls start to resonate with the monotony of car tunes before drowning them completely with a more intense roar-like bark. when the mightyena establishes itself as the king of the urban jungle amongst the monsters of the thunderpath, it turns to its brethren, nods its head, and marches to the center island.

showing off the pair's toxic masculinity doesn't stop the onlookers from blowing their horns at them.

kyle, also in sunglasses, clicks his tongue and points a finger gun at a car. his mightyena rushes over, and like a hooligan, rushes at it with its play rough. it rocks with intensity, forcing an air bag to blow up on the driver's face. "you really ruffed that car up, huh, foxtrot?" he compliments his pokemon.

when another driver follows after, kyle does the same thing, firing off another imaginary shot from his other finger gun. there's one sharp bark, and an unnoticeable shock wave of energy affects the person inside so that they cannot use their hands because it's how it works according to the person he met in the internet with a baba discord icon. this effectively stops the honking. "hotel, looks like that car isn't... embar-going anywhere.".

he wraps the leashes around his fists as he walked very slowly to the center of the junction. "hey! yeah! it's me, resident dog boy. you already know me. you already know my name, but do you know about them?"

kyle stuffs the leashes into his pockets and takes out a small party popper and uses it as both of his mightyena, both of them strutting around, chest puffed out like the arrogant bastards that they are.

"first one here is the one and only foxtrot, sixth of the coveted poochy series!" upon the introduction, the mightyena would coat its fire fangs with flames in an attempt to be intimidating because being scary is cool in his books. "a big proponent of mister kyle lopez's gym badge collection, this baby boy is actually a gym challenge demolisher. despite the title, he's very much so the most reliable of the original six, being able to actually follow my commands without a fuss! he's as urban as a mightyena could get because he's not a caveman like his brothers."

he then turns to the other one.

"next up is the eighth one of the series, none other than mister hotel himself! give him a round of applause, people!" kyle gives his own pokemon an applause. "chosen for this contest for none other than his name being a name of a building, which is pretty much what you'd expect for an urban-themed biome contest, hotel isn't much of a slouch as much as his trainer for choosing him based on his name alone! the best partner for missions, his moveset is pretty much useless in battles as much as it's useful for getting what i want. give it up hotel! yay! woo!"

kyle takes a swig from his coffee cup to wet his throat after a long speech.

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june 5th
ex-gym leader
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TAG WITH @glitch
glitch maverick
POSTED ON May 4, 2021 19:41:38 GMT
glitch maverick Avatar
literally no one ever told glitch that he was full of good ideas, especially since he was planning what he was planning right now for the intro to his contest entry. goggles on, gloves on, knee pads on. everything was good to go as he adjusted himself on top of the electrode he took a deep breath. electric sparks flying around them on the power lines he wondered for a moment if this would be a bad idea. but then again he also didn't care now that he was in this position. joycon also had a pair of goggles on, for safety for the porygon of course. it beeped in his ears as sourball began to move, using discharge to stop the extra electricity from harming his rider.

"let's get shocking!" glitch yelled as they zoomed around on the electric lines above the rest of the contestants. carefully balancing to stand on top of the moving pokemon and fist pumping in the air. as he did joycon used tri-attack from his position to make it appear as though glitch had somehow managed to summon fire, electricity and ice all on his own and into the air. this was dangerous and stupid but at least he hadn't been the one to drive a car nearly into the judges. with joycon using agility now to get ahead of the rolling duo he led the electric train with great speeds, gathering up more and more electricity as they went and sourball using discharge to get rid of it.

sparks flew through the air and glitch swallowed hard as it was time for the next part. he trusted his pokemon absolutely but they hadn't really been able to practice it much. not when there was a lot to do with being legally allowed to play on powerlines. but also he didn't care. pushing up he jumped from the electrode's back and did a flip that felt like it was going to rip his stomach open with how wide it was. as it looked like he was going to eat shit on the concrete he felt sourball catch him in the air, magnet rise working well with the metal implants in the boots he'd installed.

his heart felt as though it was going to explode. but of course it didn't. and sourball floated him back to the ground as joycon settled in his arms. glad that it's trainer was alright. "my name is glitch maverick and this is sourball and joycon. i trust both of them with my life obviously since i'm willing to ride a powerline and jump from a great height in order to show them off." sourball sparked once more in excitement as the introductions started. "electricity is all over the place in urban climates and inevitably so is technology. meaning that an electric type and a porygon fit right in!" holding up joycon he grinned as the little guy made a modem dial up noise. he loved his pokemon a lot and he really hoped that it showed.

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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON May 5, 2021 12:43:12 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar

Unbeknownst to the judge's during all of these chaotic performances, a small joltik would sneakily jump onto their bodies and steal the electricity from their phones or other devices in the area around them to power itself up a bit and, to also be a bit of a nuisance as it regularly liked to cause problems with electricity in her gym. However, soon melody let out a small whistle to indicate to Joltik it was time for the performance to start and an assistant rolled in spotlight's near the judges tables aimed towards the sky.

Melody was many things, but one of the things she was always happy to be called was 'too much.' It meant she was doing her job as an artist, pushing the limits of what's possible and making new things that you couldn't take your eyes off of. She hoped to convey that with this urban type of performance and shock everyone. The judges would see a Joltik land on the judge's table, it stared at their faces for a few moments cutely before firing a string shot and dragging a retro style boombox slowly yet surely over to the table. It jumped onto the play button and the track began to play. Joltik used agility and fired off a string shot and swung away like a certain spider like super hero who used web slinging as a super power. Joltik shot onto a street light and began to sap the energy from them to turn off any competing lights with melody's performance.

Two lights would shine on the roofs of nearby building's as the city setting became the backdrop to this performance. The spotlight's would find Melody and a Mr. rime on the roof opposite to her in the same positions, crossing their arms constantly mimicking one another. Melody was dressed in retro clothes, a crop top with a puffer jacket and oversized headphones and ripped jeans. "Well hello there everyone, I hope you feel like getting funky with me and Mr Rime during this contest! Let the party start!" she shouts at the top of her lungs as the music began. Mr. Rime AND melody both began to tap dance on the roof to the beat of her song she was singing. They were both perfectly in sync and as everyone grew accustomed to the sight, her and Mr. rime seemingly turn around turning their backs to everyone and spread theirs arms out as they fell backwards in sync with one another as the lights cut off  and the music did as well, they vanished into the darkness as the audience tried to look around to find them.

However the spotlights turn back on suddenly and Both melody and Mr. rime are seemingly walking on the walls of the building as the allys switched places! It was obvious to the trained eye though that Mr. Rime was using psychic to hold the pair up against the wall and using the bricks on the buildings to create a different type of sound with their tap dancing shoes. The pair continued to tap dance as Mr. rime tossed his cane towards Melody before the light's cut off again quickly and Mr rime seemingly caught his own cane on the other-side of the street, ally switching again back to their original spots. Melody's building had a fire escape that most urban building's had as Mr. Rime released her psychic powers and she slid down the fire escape ladder to the street level and Mr. rime released itself and landed on a dumpster.

It jumped off the plastic covering  of the dumpster and onto the street level as well. However the performance wasn't over yet as Joltik's part in the performance was just starting! "As im sure our judge's can see Mr.Rime has been able to follow the urban beat for quite some time as they are commonly used for performances in the streets of Galar! But another problem cities around the world commonly face are outages from Joltik's little pranks! But with time and dedication they can see just how useful the little buggers can be. Hit it!" The spotlights on the streets seemingly went off one by one  until only the one over Melody and Mr rime stayed on.

During the first half of the performance, while everyone's attention was on Mr rime and melody, the devices that joltik had sapped from the area from the phones and the various other light's had been used to power the spotlights. then, from a distance  they were manipulated via stringshot. While the attention was off of joltik, it used Electro web to create 'wires' to more  easily conduct electricity to where it needed to go. Now the streetlights were alternating due to joltik sapping and redistributing electricity as melody and Mr rime would continue to ally switch to wherever the light's would turn on as if they were teleporting around until the song ended with a loud bang and the power was returned to it's rightful place.

Melody and Mr rime took a bow as melody extended her hand upwards for joltik to fire a string shot and hang from her hand as it tried to mimic the bow as well.  After the performances the judges would receive from an assistant melody brought with a recording of Joltik's manipulations from behind the scene as she was sure the tiny Pokémon would be hard to naturally spot during all the chaos. "I hope you guys see how I've managed to grow since my last performance at the jungle contest and how I tried to incorporate more of the biome more into my performances. Thank you for your time!"

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON May 5, 2021 15:36:40 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Okay, how the flying fuck was he going to top the last introduction?!

This was going to require—some coordination, considering he was the only who entered with a Pelipper and a Chandelure.

Okay, for all reasons and other obvious shit, Alexei considered the Chandelure to be a Fire-type (let’s not go there) but had to be very careful about how the hell he was gonna set up his entrance.

He knew that his friend had already attempted this contest twice but had to back out of this one due to work-related circumstances, which was how he found himself here in his place instead…

Thankfully, he had… ideas.

Hopefully it wasn’t going to be excessive, considering what he was planning…

Alexei wasn’t sure on the policy of how many extra Pokémon were allowed during the introductions, but after the last person had done their introduction (it was actually more of a performance) he then looked over to the other Pokémon he’d asked to be sent to where he would be setting up his introduction.

First things first, if there were any judges who happened to be eating while watching the proceedings—or at the very least other participants who were eating or drinking something—

A shadow perched atop one of the other buildings saw that there was someone drinking out of a coffee cup, and being the greedy little shit that he was, the Pelipper suddenly took off with a burst of Agility and came in screeching something that sounded like “MINE!” before snatching the coffee cup out of ’s hand and absconding with it—at least for the moment.

After that abrupt ‘display of seagull dominance’, an apologetic voice came on over the sound system that had been strung up.

“Pelipper pretty much behave like demons possessed whenever they see people eating or drinking food near the seaside—mostly the seaside. Although, there have been reports of flocks of hungry Pelipper flying through coastal cities and snatching food and even drinks from unsuspecting passersby. For that, I apologize,” the person speaking over the sound system explained.

The Pelipper, who looked unapologetic in the least, let out another squawking noise that eerily sounded like his name, this time.


“Since Mike here is a male, males of his species are in charge of bringing home food to their family’s nest.”

After that pronouncement, a belching noise came from the Pelipper, who then unceremoniously spat up the empty coffee cup—but instead of it landing on the street, the Pokémon had taken care to aim at one of the open dumpsters.

“Normally, Pelipper are accustomed to scavenging food from the sea, but due to him living around the city, he’s adapted to scrounging for food from other sources. And yes, he’s already stolen some of my own sandwiches when I’m not looking! However, it’s in their nature—can you blame them, though?”

After that pronouncement, the Pelipper began looking around nervously, because there was something in the air—something crackling. Something rather… ominous.

Several shadows darted and ran around the area, mostly unseen as they were crawling behind the garbage cans and dumpsters. There were four culprits—two airborne and two landbound—the lights in the surrounding area had gone out again.

At this, the Pelipper let out an alarmed squawk, before taking off—to flee the sudden darkness.

Well, it was just the lights in the general area that had gone out, before another voice came on. It sounded… really scratchy at first, but that was the effect he was going for.

“They said—that whenever a Chandelure illuminates a house, instead of normal lights—funerals were a constant occurrence within that home. Anyone curious would want to know if they’re known to be harbingers of doom, or death—their flames don’t burn out physical existence, rather… they burn out the existential.”

With those words, a singular hulking shadow came swooping in from the top of the tallest building, cackling as she did so. Slowly, each of the multiple arms of the approaching Chandelure flickered to life, eventually illuminating the darkness with its ‘baleful fire’ before lighting up the area with a momentary burst of flame illuminated behind a dark Shadow Ball.

“Do be careful, if you don’t want your souls to be burned out of existence!” the same voice continued in the scratchy tone as the spinning figure finally came to rest and unfurled herself to full ‘flower’ as the purple flames illuminated the darkness.

The sound of footsteps would be heard after that, an ominous clip-clop on the ground as a tall, distorted shadow approached from behind. The way the shadow extended beyond its normal height, and how it was contorted by the purple flickering flames—one would think their worst nightmares were coming out of the fire itself.

“Another story I’ve heard when I was younger about Chandelure—there are poor, unfortunate souls that get burned up in Chandelure’s flames are doomed to wander this world forevermore. This is particularly scary, especially if you’re a kid growing up in one of the more rural areas of Unova where their kind tend to cluster—and lead naughty children astray when they get lost in the forest.”

Oh, he was sorely tempted to throw in that one terrifying tale about how Chandelure were born—but knew that it was just about enough for his ‘introduction’.

As the distorted shadow approached, the same Pelipper from earlier was perched on its shoulder, before taking off in flight—and the Chandelure had seemingly disappeared into the shadows as the lights flickered back on—slowly, slowly—like how the lights in horror flicks would come to life.

“Many of you may know me, however for those who do not—my name is Alexei, and I hope I didn’t scare any of you lot.”

With that, he took a bow, before the lights fully flickered back into life around them; the Pelipper and Chandelure hovering behind him as they reappeared, illuminated in the harsh city lights.

the coffee-stealing was coordinated with Aero’s writer!

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Slateport Ranger Captain
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @razz
Razz Kingsman
POSTED ON May 10, 2021 2:43:37 GMT
Razz Kingsman Avatar

“You’re going where to do what now?” Razz asks, quite confused about Salem’s intentions. Though he signed something about just wanting to go out and see the town yada yada. “Sure I guess? Just don’t get into trouble alright?” [break][break]


Little did Razz know that was all Salem planned to do. [break][break]

Far from home in the City of Slateport Salem had signed both himself and Sable for the fun little contest he keeps on seeing. One that could win you a badge if you made it to the end possibly and after having taken the Silph Badge for himself the Meowstic wanted more. Dying himself black like he did back for Halloween Salem was ready to play the part of street cat. [break][break]

In the streets coming forward music could be heard starting soft as a little toy car could be seen riding between the cars. At first it’s pace was slow as the music in the speaker they ‘borrowed’ was allowed to build before the toy car was propelled forward with the use of Salem’s PSYCHIC. The small toy car gained speed before it was sent flying high above with both pokemon inside, both Sable and Salem not seeming worried how high the cat had sent them. [break][break]

‘Ready?’ Salem seemed to question his partner in crime with a smirk before both jumped out of the toy car like they were some sort of action heroes. Blink and you’d miss a shield of sorts with the use of Salem’s LIGHT SCREEN before Salem uses SHADOW BALL to seemingly destroy the car. Sable using her ILLUSION ability to make the explosion seem much bigger than what it actually was as the two pokemon came to land. [break][break]

As they came falling down with no slowing down in sight it would appear the two pokemon were in danger. Let the suspense build though as both their bodies started glowing. Salem in a white glow while Sable in a crimson glow. Salem aiding his fox friend a HELPING HAND to power her up as they got close to the ground she would use NIGHT DAZE to create that shadowy force field around herself to cushion the blow. The force field disbursting in power to show that the Zorua had landed just fine, and as if pulling off a magic trick their trainer was there giving a bow alongside his pokemon. [break][break]

To those with a keen eye they might have noticed how their Trainer didn’t really cast a shadow of his own, and the way Sable’s tail was raised and twitching. Though for any here who might actually know their trainer might notice the wide friendly smile he wore was extremely out of character. Though those were small details. From there ‘Razz’ would start signing his intro. To those who couldn’t understand him? Too god damn bad. [break][break]

=Sorry for not talking, crowds aren’t my thing=[break][break]

Well at least that was in character, Salem would give Sable a look and she seems to nod in slight understanding as ‘Razz’s’ smile softens to fit better. =I am Razz Kingsman and these are my pokemon Sable and Salem, I choose Sable as she is a Zoura I rescued from the streets so who better to fit an Urban feel?=[break][break]

After this the ‘ranger’ snaps his fingers and from above the red toy car they used for their entrance falls as if on cue. =As for Salem? Outside being Sootopolis’ most famous Meowstic could someone who didn’t know the urban style fix this?=[break][break]

While ‘Razz’ is signing his question Salem has taken out a small hammer and wretch from his tail. How those were kept in there the world would never know, but he uses both tools and his psychic abilities to build the toy back as if it were as good as new. [break][break]

Well minus the scotch marks. Hopefully this was how it was supposed to be done, as neither have done gym battles or contests before. Salem only knows what he’s seen.



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February 27
Lumiose City
55 height
55 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @ezrazeke
Ezra Zeke
POSTED ON May 11, 2021 11:15:48 GMT
Ezra Zeke Avatar
Audio played-- the sudden sound of an average city erupted from the speakers. Loud talking, cars honking, sirens blaring, the stage had transformed into the proper backdrop. Then, a white moped with an attached side cart entered the stage, smoke sputtering out from its exhaust as it crawled across the stage. Riding the vehicle itself was a young man with large square goggles, a brown paperboy hat, and a smug Umbreon nestled into the side cart.

They stopped at the center of the stage.

Once stopped, the driver demounted the mopeg and turned towards the judges, an awkward grin plastered across his face. In his hand was a lightly crumpled newspaper. "Extra extra! Read all about it! Learn how great these pokemon really are!" A light chuckle exited his lips upon delivering his line. "First off, they make the best partners for my job. Some things just become SO easy with a little help. " He rolled up the newspaper he was holding and chucked it behind him. The Umbreon, who had just exited the vehicle himself, effortlessly caught the incoming roll before dashing towards one of the props near the left side of the stage-- a propped-up cardboard image of a building. The pokemon then dropped the paper in front of the door behind returning to his owner's side. "Sometimes deliveries can be a little tricky, though" This time the man held up another rolled-up newspaper, which was swiftly caught by an incoming Noibat. Unlike the Umbreon, this pokemon utilized its wings to carry the newspaper onto the top of the prop building.

"Mother of wooloo, I forgot to introduce them to you!"
The Noibat swooped in from his position from the sky and took its place perched on top of the speaker's head. "This little guy up here is Batman! Not only does his wings allow for easy deliveries throughout the city, but his Echolocation allows him to easily navigate through the city-- especially at night! Getting lost becomes next to impossible with him around." Batman bowed at this praise. "This guy, on the other hand, is named Luna." The Umbreon tilted his head lightly at this. "He basically OWNS the streets haha! Not only does his rings glow at night, but like Batman, he prefers the nightlife himself."

The speaker paused, his lips still curled into a grin, nervousness twinkling in his eyes. "Pretty good, right? But wait! That's not all..." He spun around and returned to his Mopeg, his hands shuffling in the attached side cart. It took no longer than 30 seconds for him to return to his previous position, this time with a camera wrapped around his neck and a smaller one in his hand. "The best thing about the city is its active life, right? Something's always going on-- and there need to be people to report on that!" The Noibat hopped down from its place on the speaker's head, then flew in front of him long enough for the man to place the miniature camera around his neck. "And, when you have a team like this, why shouldn't that someone be me?"

"See, when there's a story worth finding, I have Luna here to sniff it out." The Umbreon moved forward and sniffed the ground in front of them. With attentive eyes, he led the two to the right of the stage, then the left, then at the center, nose pointed towards the judges. "Ah, seems he found a lead. Mind if I take some pictures? The article will be titled 'Best Judges Ever' and I need a picture to accompany it!" He awaited an answer. When given permission, the man would point forward, directing his noibat to take position on top of one of the many tall surfaces available and use its position to snap a picture at the same time as him. The pokemon returned to the speaker shortly after. "Batman always gets the best angles," He commented after briefly checking his Pokemon's camera.

"Oh, and before I forget, I'm Ezra."

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 2:06:58 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar




"Action, excitement, and outstanding biome usage! I loved every minute of that round and I couldn't be happier. "

"The four of us have put our heads together and we've got some scores and feedback for you. Take a look, take it to heart, and I'll see you all in round two!"


ZAC (2): Your Jynx and Mimikyu showed their precise knowledge of the urban biome through their mastery of the traffic system. And while I'm sure they don't have the appropriate permits, I'm a judge, not a cop. Excellent as always, and I loved seeing another side of Oona. 

CHU-E (2): Pink? Check. Unusual? Check? Dramatic? Hell yes! The near-death experience really gets the blood pumping! Keep up that energy!

KAZIMIR (2): So like do we give out traffic tickets as well? Cause that was one heck of a performance! Ya truly understand the road rage of the big city and the craziness of it.

OSCAR (2): Talk action packed. My sphincter nearly disappeared up my ass, I feared for my life and loved it! Your Jynx is exactly why I hate the city--that's a good thing.


CHU-E (1): Klefki being a pickpocket isn't what I would have expected from this, but your performance was lacking a little pizazz. Try skydiving off your pokemon next time!

KAZIMIR (0): Corviknights are cool and all man, but you could have shown it off just a bit more y'know. They ain't Galar's premire taxi service for nothing after all. the Klefki's cute though.

OSCAR (1): Fine introduction, though it left me wanting to see more--which isn't always a bad thing. I look forward to seeing more on how your pokemon are masters of this biome in the next round.

ZAC (1): Great intro for Corviknight! You showed it in action, and described in detail how it's perfect for the urban biome. But the Klefki portion was a bit lacking. If you introduced that little jangler with the same detail it would have been full marks.


KAZIMIR (2): I've met some street dogs and yours really are as ferocious as those ones were. I don't even need much more to know that they do have some bite to them, can I pet them later?

OSCAR (1): Those are some mean dogs, their personality screams big city. They were so cool that I would have scored you higher--if your fucking puns hadn't physically hurt me. Shame on you, sir.

ZAC (2): I talked about life on the street, but these two seem fit for a life on the road! They're rough and tough as any car, and brimming with big city attitude. Keep it up!

CHU-E (1): I loved the energy and the raw destruction. That's the drama I like to see! It wasn't as surprising as I like, though; anyone can guess that dogs like to tear stuff up." Sprinkles is also very upset by this performance and rates it one hiss out of five.


KAZIMIR (2): Ok tight rope walking is something I don't think any one of us expected to see in this but man did you do amazing! I was on the edge of my seat wondering if you were gonna face plant into the ground, er don't take that the wrong way.

OSCAR (2): That was some pizzazz I'll tell you what. An impressive entrance to be sure, with great biome usage to boot.

CHU-E (2): Playing Mankey Ball on the power lines was a risky move both for yourself and this judging... but it payed off with me! Now your performance just need a little more color.

ZAC (2): When it comes to these contests you're just full of good ideas! Showing off the power lines like that really drew attention to the electric veins that run through the city. Love the use of technology, and you're spot on about it being integral to city life.


ZAC (2): Phenomenal! Using two Pokemon, a speaker, and the biome you turned this place into a heart-pumping concert! And you didn't steal the spotlight either. The whole time your Pokemon were front and center. I loved every second if it. You've grown leaps and bounds since your last contest, Melody.  

CHU-E (2): There are too many strong performances right now and yours is one of them! That song was great and I loved the use of the biome! It was also flashy and extra in just the right way!

KAZIMIR (2): Oh i didn't know we were doing Pokestudios stuff now, that was just a spectactular performance! You and your pokemon sure do know how to rock it and that Joltik sure is one hell of a lighting master.

OSCAR (2): Ahhhh that performance! Mixing showmanship and biome usage was exactly what I wanted to see and you delivered! I'm expecting big things from you in the next round.


CHU-E (1): The atmosphere is great and I liked the choice of Pokemon and their explanations! It could have used the biome a little more effectively, though.

KAZIMIR (2): Oh man I hate it when Wingulls of all things do it, now you got a Pelipper to do take food as well? I'll give ya that. Also love the kind of horror vibe you were going for with your Chandelure. People don't appreciate urban horror really.

ZAC (1): Pelipper's introduction was great. I got a sense of how it survives in the city, and I enjoyed the recycling. Chandelure needed more though! Use the biome and really show us how it fits in. I want practical application, not ghost stories mate.

OSCAR (1): Good to see an unconventional choice like Chandelure, people forget how much of a pest these fuckers are in cities. Not a lot of biome usage, but I'm interested to see where you go from here.


CHU-E (1): Salem! Hi! You're as adorable as always! The performance was very cute and dramatic but it lacked a little something for me. Maybe a little more ante from Razz himself?

ZAC (2): =Navigation, teamwork, and repair. I saw a lot of good biome usage, and a lot of what makes these two unique. Great work!=

OSCAR (1): You had me until your introduction. I have no idea what you said man, at least bring a translator. You get points for the effort of your Pokemon though.

KAZIMIR (1): I was so ready for a high speed chase to happen and the action explosion scene was a nice touch, but if that was it I'd say try to add a bit more excitement to it buddy. Still worthwhile performance by those two.


ZAC (2): Subtle, which is unusual for these contests. You showed how the Pokemon integrate with society, instead of how they overpower the dangers of the city. I got a real sense of how their unique aspects make them suited for the urban biome. Fantastic.

CHU-E (1): Aw, this performance was also super adorable! I think it could have been a bit more dramatic. Make me feel things! I want to be on a roller-coaster of emotions!

KAZIMIR (1): The local newspaper boy is a dying breed and I'm happy to see you bringing it back as well as use your Pokemon to help navigate the city. Smart move my dude.

OSCAR (1): Lotta telling without showing. Can't knock that too hard though, I did the same thing in the last contest. I'm sure you'll deliver when given the chance.


"Sports embody the urban biome perfectly," Zac said, as the twelve trainers and their Pokemon waited for the bus to pick them up. "Competition, teamwork, and extravagant displays of skill! So that's why we're heading out to a convenience store parking lot to play some soccer!"
    The city bus arrived, and the trainers piled on, taking seats amidst the surprised citizens. Zac walked down the aisle, handing out colored armbands. "And nothing says urban more than gang warfare, so I've divided you into teams based on your hair color!"

Pink Team: and (16 points)
Blonde Team: and (8 points)
Brown Team: and (14 points)
Black Team: and (10 points)

The group arrived at Zac's favorite convenience store after sunset. The contestants waited while he set up four inflatable goals and set a red and white, Pokeball-colored soccer ball in the center of the parking lot.
 "Remember that scoring goals isn't as important as outperforming the other teams, or using the biome!" Zac said. "Everything around you is fair game, so get out there, show me some serious sports and we'll break in 30 minutes for Charja-cola and Oran slices." 

With each post this round, use your Pokemon to try and score goals, block shots, or attack the other teams. Show the judges why your Pokemon is the best suited to the intensity of urban life, and make sure to use the biome itself as part of your post.

Posting alone doesn't earn you appeal points this round. Points will be awarded for outperforming the others by using a Pokemon move and then rolling at the end of your post.

Judges are not assigned to any team, but will join in to challenge the contestants and liven up the game.

Outperforming a teammate: 1 point
Outperforming an opposing team: 2 points
Outperforming a judge: 3 points


  • The team with the highest total will get a special boon for the final round.
  • All teams with 15 or more appeal points at the end of this round will proceed to the final round.
  • Rolling higher than the person before you awards you points, but rolling lower will award them points instead.
  • Ties will award 0 points.
  • The first and last posts this round get 1 point automatically, as they are performing uncontested.
  • You can post multiple times, but do not double post.

The 2nd round will close on Wednesday May 19th at 11:59pm Tokyo time.

At the end of the round, the judges will award special boons that provide a mechanical advantage for the final round based on outstanding biome performance.

Please use the roll command for every post this round.

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 2:32:54 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Well, that was unsurprising.

At least Mike had managed to leverage some shots his way, which was good, and now—

Whoa, wait a second where were they going?

Getting shunted onto a bus and then heading out to a—okay honestly this was surprising. He’d heard all the stories from his friend about how they stayed in one place for the length of the contest, but this was definitely not what he was expecting!

So either way—

When they arrived at the parking lot of a convenience store, Alexei had to make sure he had his fucking wallet on him because he remembered he’d forgotten to eat before heading out here this evening once they’d alighted from the bus.

Upon getting down on solid ground, though…

Without further ado, his Pelipper then swooped down on the red and white soccer ball and scooped it up into its mouth, without even so much as a warning.

“Mike!” he shouted as the Pelipper cackled, flying up towards one of the streetlights and perching there for a few moments. “Really?”

The Chandelure followed after the Pelipper a few moments later, purple fire flickering before it suddenly got an idea and let out an eerie cry.

Getting the cue, the Pelipper quickly closed his eyes as the Chandelure then let out a bright, brilliant flash-bang of a Confuse Ray attack, giving the Pelipper sufficient cover as it took off, literally flying blind, and heading straight towards one of the goal posts with a sudden burst of Agility before coughing up the soccer ball like a missile and attempting to hit one of the goal posts set out for them to strike.

Over where Alexei had blinked for a few moments, he sought out Patrick, having thought of an idea.

“We have our work cut out on us, however, I have a plan. I can tell how much of a little shit Klefki can be in general—have encountered them personally in the past—so we can use both our avians to get ahead, they have flight advantage. Chandelure and Klefki can be the distracting force to throw everyone else off their game,” he suggested quietly enough so only the other one could hear.

“Sound like a plan?”


plans are made?! Pelipper attempts to score a goal!

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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 10:07:59 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar









Melody's theme

HEY! GLITCH WAS HERE! "WHAT THE HELL GLITCH!" she shouted at her cousin as she ran up and hugged him "Your performance was so good! YOU DIDNT TELL ME YOU WERE SIGNING UP" as she loved on him as usual. "Leave it to us right? I have an idea already if you wanna hear it out!" she said as they both finished listening to zac's explanation of the challenge. She began to whisper in glitch's ear and waited for a response as the two were usually in sync together. [break][break]
It was actually pretty lucky for the field to be set up in a parking lot, had they not been Melody wouldn't have had a chance to let Mr Rime shine even harder than before! The only question was, who was going to be her captive audience? Melody was already traumatized from her LAST experience and decided to cut everyone off at the kneecaps when she got the first chance. [break][break]

"Mr Rime! Let's support our team and change the biome to our advantage! Buy joltik and our team some time!" she commanded with a hand flying out towards the arena. Mr Rime nodded and used a reflect to try and build some walls to make it harder to reach glitch and her's goal. [break][break]

Melody then ran into the store with joltik during the middle of the game "Ok jolty! do your thing!" as the little bugger began to sap as much energy from the electronics around it as it could to charge up. However to melody's dismay and horror she watched from inside the convenience store as Mr rime became confused due to 's confuse ray! That jerk! [break][break]

NOT GETTING GANG UP ON AGAIN! melody then remembered she was and grinned. Melody immediately ran through one of the aisles and bought a full heal spray! She left Joltik in the convenience store to keep absorbing electricity and prep as she ran out towards her mr rime. "Nothing like a convenience store to be stacked full of convenient items!" as she went and used a full heal spray to wake up mr rime from the confusion!




[attr="class","clearcredit"]CLEAR CODES

[googlefont=Abril Fatface][googlefont=Playfair Display:600][googlefont=Open Sans][googlefont=Raleway][googlefont=Hind Siliguri]

[newclass=.Mellytempy]background-image: url(; background-color: #333333; padding: 18px; width: 450px; border-radius: 5px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.Mellytempyhead]border-top: solid 10px #72b4ff; background-color: #0d0d0d; color: #72b4ff; font: 62px Abril Fatface; height: 85px; width: 450px; letter-spacing: -3px; padding: 0px; line-height: 22px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.Mellytempyheadimg]float: left; line-height: 0px; z-index: 2;[/newclass]

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[newclass=.Mellytempybodysubspan a]font: 11px Playfair Display!important; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #72b4ff!important; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 600;[/newclass]

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[newclass=.Mellytempybot]background-color: #1a1a1a; max-width: 262px; color: #701919; font: 12px Abril Fatface; padding: 11px; line-height: 10px; letter-spacing: 3px; text-transform: uppercase; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-right: 5px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.Mellytempybot2]background-color: #1a1a1a; max-width: 262px; color: #5e5e5e; font: 9px Raleway; padding: 11px; line-height: 8px; text-align: justify; width: 105px; display: flex; align-items: center; height: 50px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.clearcredit]line-height: 5px; color: #c592cb; float: right; text-transform: uppercase;[/newclass]
[newclass=.clearcredit a]font: 8px Hind Siliguri;[/newclass]

Note: attempting to block pelipper's shot!

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dog boy
october 24
league officer
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 15:19:02 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
his blood still consists of mostly caffeine from an overdose of coffee even after 's bird comes in and takes it off of him. he's made sure he has had enough that he can last the entire competition without feeling a shred of shame from an entire day's worth of adrenaline.

kyle opts for a costume change, which is simply a policeman hat on top of his head. he twirls another one with a finger as he glares at the sootopolis gym leader underneath the sunglasses.

"can't get the biome badge bonus if you don't have access to it!" kyle shouts complacently as he points at . "embargo for you!"

the mightyena beside him runs up to the convenience store entrance and releases a dark aura from a bark, enveloping 's pokemon with it. anything used at it would now be ineffective.

there's a chuckle when he stops playing with the extra police hat he's been playing with. he places it on top of his other mightyena's head as he orders the next enforcement of the law.

"actually, let's steal her entire thing! snatch those barriers up too and lock her up!"

the mightyena barks. the mr. rime's last move dissipates as it reappears in front of the mightyena. a barrier gets constructed at the entrance of the convenience store, effectively locking her up inside.

"you're surrounded ma'am! hands where i can see them!" kyle shouts, equipped with a very dangerous firearm that is his finger gun.


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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 15:48:01 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar









Melody's theme

"Kyle what the heck!" she says as this goofus came into the convenience store roleplaying as a cop. His mightyena's came in also being a nuisance to those inside of the store by using embargo on her pokemon and also snatching her barriers to lock her in! "KYLE!" she said stomping her foot on the floor as he was ruining her performance! This rat! Fine! if that's how he wants to play! "Mr rime! It's time to clean!" she called out as she ran up to the glass shouting and tapping on it to get his attention! [break][break]

She'd have to leave it up to glitch for now to save the team. "You'll never catch me you pig!" she shouted at kyle as she assumed the role of the robber. "Jolty! web em!" as from the hanging light fixtures a joltik sprayed several blasts of string shot as his pokemon and Kyle to delay them.  [break][break]

Her Mr rime wobbled up to the door that was blocked by his own reflect and began to rub his hands on the glass as the barriers vanished one by one "Courtesy of Mr Rime's  bottle-o-screen cleaner product. Now available at pokemart's everywhere." she said playfully as she ran out the door. Her pokemon were still embargoed but hey hopefully the confusion runs out soon.




[attr="class","clearcredit"]CLEAR CODES

[googlefont=Abril Fatface][googlefont=Playfair Display:600][googlefont=Open Sans][googlefont=Raleway][googlefont=Hind Siliguri]

[newclass=.Mellytempy]background-image: url(; background-color: #333333; padding: 18px; width: 450px; border-radius: 5px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.Mellytempyhead]border-top: solid 10px #72b4ff; background-color: #0d0d0d; color: #72b4ff; font: 62px Abril Fatface; height: 85px; width: 450px; letter-spacing: -3px; padding: 0px; line-height: 22px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.Mellytempyheadimg]float: left; line-height: 0px; z-index: 2;[/newclass]

[newclass=.Mellytempybody]background-color: #141414; padding: 12px 20px 20px 20px; max-width: 450px; font: 11px Open Sans; color: #858585; text-align: justify;[/newclass]

[newclass=.Mellytempybodysub]max-width: 410px; padding: 3px; border-top: solid 1px #72b4ff; margin-bottom: 10px; display: flex; justify-content: space-evenly;[/newclass]

[newclass=.Mellytempybodysubspan]display: inline-block; font: 11px Playfair Display!important; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #72b4ff!important; text-transform: uppercase; overflow: hidden; padding: 0px 12px 0px 12px; font-weight: 600;[/newclass]
[newclass=.Mellytempybodysubspan a]font: 11px Playfair Display!important; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #72b4ff!important; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 600;[/newclass]

[newclass=.Mellytempybotbor]background-color: #1a1a1a; background-image: url(; padding: 10px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.Mellytempybot]background-color: #1a1a1a; max-width: 262px; color: #701919; font: 12px Abril Fatface; padding: 11px; line-height: 10px; letter-spacing: 3px; text-transform: uppercase; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-right: 5px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.Mellytempybot2]background-color: #1a1a1a; max-width: 262px; color: #5e5e5e; font: 9px Raleway; padding: 11px; line-height: 8px; text-align: justify; width: 105px; display: flex; align-items: center; height: 50px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.clearcredit]line-height: 5px; color: #c592cb; float: right; text-transform: uppercase;[/newclass]
[newclass=.clearcredit a]font: 8px Hind Siliguri;[/newclass]

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dog boy
october 24
league officer
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,485 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON May 12, 2021 16:10:57 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"ew! you're nasty!"

web doesn't bother him that much, except when he has to remember that he'll have to scrub it off of his mightyena's fur some time later. it's gross and icky and it only slows them down because kyle believes they think it's gross and icky as well.

they don't.

"melody miro, you're under arrest!" kyle shouts as he runs inside and equips himself in the same vein as his target. he quickly grabs insecticide spray and drops change at the cashier.

"throw this at them with poison fang."

the mightyena with the police cap complies and catches the spray can with its fangs. it fizzles as his teeth sink into the container, moreso when poison seeps through it. eventually, it doubles as a potent poison gas as the mightyena swings its head and releases its grip, bringing the insecticide at the joltik.

the poison gas starts to spread at the convenience store parking lot while kyle and his dogs are within the safety of the building.

